I dropped into your blog accidentally (while I was searching for ways to cure my son) and find that my son's case is very similar to yours except he is also having global developmental delay apart from ADHD. He's now taking Concerta and I really wish he could stop relying on this kind of medication asap. Kindly could you let me know your Chinese doctor's info (such as name, address & fees etc.) as well as the fish oil your son's taking? (Someone recommend me "Eye q", have you ever heard of that?) My email address is garieho@gmail.com Thanks a lot!!!
I'm really glad to read your sharing and appreciate your effort in organizing your past experience/passages in this blog - it helps a lot! I'm also a Christian - I can see HIS curing hands on your son. However, I start loosing my faith on mine. I wish Miracle will happen one day to my son but it seems far far away...........
I am rosetulip from BK. My daughter has ADHD and Dyslexia. She is seven years old. After talked to you in BK, I have put her on the EPA ( the Ve… brand) for over a month. She is taking 2 capsules a day. Is that enough? This is the dose the saleslady advise her to take. What is the dose your son’s doctor recommend? I didn’t find any effect of the EPA yet. I don’t know whether I should give her more or not. Can you give me your advice? My email: rosewongly@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
Thanks for your comfort & encouragement - frankly, I'm still struggling at this point of time........
By the way, regarding fish oil & Chinese medicine - does your Chinese doctor has any comment or concern on your son taking Concerta, Fish Oil & Chinese Medicine at the same time (I assume this is your son's situation, correct)? The reason I'm asking because my Chinese doctor who is doing reflexology does not recommend taking fish oil.
Anyhow, grateful you would also send me your Chinese doctor's info. (email address: garieho@gmail.com)
Dear Amen, Thank you very much for your sharing. Could you please send me some information about your Chinese herbal doctor and the supplement your son is taking? My son is now taking ritalin, but I find that his temper is getting poorer, so I would like to try the above two ways. My email is: pray8088@gmail.com. Thanks very much in advance. Maggie
Dear Amen and other parents of ADHD kids, my 8 year old ADHD son consulted Dr. Lam in Tsimshatsui. Right after he took in the chinese medicine prescribed by dr. Lam. My son started blinking his eyes like suffering from a tic. After finishing the 3-day dosage of chinese medicine, the eye blinking problem goes away. I suspect if the chinese medicines contains heavy metals that my son is allergic to. Heavy metals is proven to be one cause of tic(Tourett Syndrome)i wonder if other parents have similar experiences with Dr. Lam's medicine. I also would like to know the effectiveness of Dr. Lam in reducing the ADHD symptoms. thanks!
I also would like to have details about Dr. Lam as my son is ADHD and have emotion problem. He wanted me to kill him yesterday so that he and I will not suffer any more. I just get the Concerta from doctor today. I would like to see if some other way can help other than taking Concerta. Please help.
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除I dropped into your blog accidentally (while I was searching for ways to cure my son) and find that my son's case is very similar to yours except he is also having global developmental delay apart from ADHD. He's now taking Concerta and I really wish he could stop relying on this kind of medication asap. Kindly could you let me know your Chinese doctor's info (such as name, address & fees etc.) as well as the fish oil your son's taking? (Someone recommend me "Eye q", have you ever heard of that?) My email address is garieho@gmail.com
Thanks a lot!!!
I'm really glad to read your sharing and appreciate your effort in organizing your past experience/passages in this blog - it helps a lot! I'm also a Christian - I can see HIS curing hands on your son. However, I start loosing my faith on mine. I wish Miracle will happen one day to my son but it seems far far away...........
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除I am rosetulip from BK. My daughter has ADHD and Dyslexia. She is seven years old. After talked to you in BK, I have put her on the EPA ( the Ve… brand) for over a month. She is taking 2 capsules a day. Is that enough? This is the dose the saleslady advise her to take. What is the dose your son’s doctor recommend? I didn’t find any effect of the EPA yet. I don’t know whether I should give her more or not. Can you give me your advice? My email: rosewongly@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除您好,想在此分享一下我的難忘經歷, 於上星期六終於看了林醫師, 話說小兒26個月大, 是epilepsy & gloabl developmental delay 的小朋友, 有自閉傾向及不能坐定定, 醫師問症後再看小兒手板後, 小兒就讓著要落地, 於是我先生讓他在診症房中踱步, 小兒看到風扇出風覺得很高興並且手舞足蹈,一兩分鐘後, 醫師突然向我先生拋出一句{你同佢出去啦, 佢咁樣係度行離行去好左礙我思維架}, 我倆登時尶介到不得了, 小兒出去之後, 我問醫師多一句{煲石斛+花旗參好嗎?}(因小兒要清熱), 誰不知又觸動了他的神經, 立即連珠炮發{邊個教你架????你呢d人一定比藥材舖厄啦, 邊度有咁多石斛吖, 你咁叻, 你做埋我個份啦}, 嘩嘩嘩, 醫術未見到, 醫德,愛心,耐性有問號, 我自問看過中醫不下10位, 但從來未試過如此經歷, 其實醫術都要時間去驗證, 這些醫x(x字 我不能夠用文字去表達),卻能即時體會, 重要2日藥盛惠$700大元, 真是攞苦黎辛!!
Garie, Rose, Pat,
回覆刪除因外遊及剛開課關係 (也是因為我沒有常常查看這兒有沒有人留言) 遲了回覆各位,請諒。
回覆刪除Dear Garie,
回覆刪除請別對 神失去信心。 神賜給我們"特別"一點的孩子,他自會安排他們的去向,他會照顧他們,因沒有任何人,包括我們自己,會比 神更愛我們的孩子。
我們先要接受孩子的與別不同,發掘他們的獨特才能,作孩子的支持及守護者吧!我們作父母的,要記得孩子是屬 神的,他只期望我們好好撫育他們成為敬畏 神、懂得感恩、良善又忠心的好孩子,能走在 神眼中看為善的道路中,到老也不偏離,如此而矣!能不能"光宗耀祖"、"揚名立萬"、甚或"名成利就",又豈是主的心意,那只是世俗的淺見罷了。試問有多少上述的"成功人士"是生活得真正快樂和滿足的?
願你多與主結連,主必會加添你力量,賜給你智慧去幫助孩子的!放心把一切難處交給 主吧!
P.S. 有關魚油丸的資料,將會發給你電郵。
Dear Rose,
回覆刪除你的女兒吃了多久?一般要超過三個月才見效的。今天在BK也有家長問我類似的問題,我是這樣回覆的:" 我覺得魚油對記憶力和腦部發育的效果是正面的,我視之為保健食品之一,能改善體質,對鼻敏感、皮膚質素等也會有正面幫助;我兒子曾患濕疹,現在全好了。(不過也別忘了,中醫治療也是功不可沒) 但不要期望對ADHD症狀有很戲劇性和針對性的轉變。"
Dear Pat,
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除Thanks for your comfort & encouragement - frankly, I'm still struggling at this point of time........
By the way, regarding fish oil & Chinese medicine - does your Chinese doctor has any comment or concern on your son taking Concerta, Fish Oil & Chinese Medicine at the same time (I assume this is your son's situation, correct)? The reason I'm asking because my Chinese doctor who is doing reflexology does not recommend taking fish oil.
Anyhow, grateful you would also send me your Chinese doctor's info. (email address: garieho@gmail.com)
Many thanks!
Dear Garie,
Dear Amen
1.) 在排期期間我可以做什麼幫助他?
2.) 我對中醫治療有興趣,可否介紹給我?
e-mail : viviencmchan@gmail.com
Dear Vivien,
回覆刪除I have sent you an email, please check your mail box, thanks.
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除昨日帶小兒往沙田兒童体體能智力測驗中心,診斷結果為專注力不足症及活躍徵狀,而且有讀寫障礙....要排期見精神料醫生. 想請教:
1.) 在排期期間我可以做什麼幫助他?
2.) 想要漁油丸的資料.
Million thx.
Frances (makfr@hotmail.com)
回覆刪除Email : tiffshiu0513@yahoo.com.hk
Dear Amen,
回覆刪除Thank you very much for your sharing. Could you please send me some information about your Chinese herbal doctor and the supplement your son is taking? My son is now taking ritalin, but I find that his temper is getting poorer, so I would like to try the above two ways.
My email is: pray8088@gmail.com.
Thanks very much in advance.
Dear Amen,
因為上班中 總是接到學校或是安親班的電話...
運動 補充營養 睡眠..還有職能治療
我跟先生也改變我們的方式 :現在都是以鼓勵代替責罰..
所以 我想跟您索取一下 中醫師&魚油的資料
e mail:kathylee1208@gmail.com
Dear Amen and other parents of ADHD kids, my 8 year old ADHD son consulted Dr. Lam in Tsimshatsui. Right after he took in the chinese medicine prescribed by dr. Lam. My son started blinking his eyes like suffering from a tic. After finishing the 3-day dosage of chinese medicine, the eye blinking problem goes away. I suspect if the chinese medicines contains heavy metals that my son is allergic to. Heavy metals is proven to be one cause of tic(Tourett Syndrome)i wonder if other parents have similar experiences with Dr. Lam's medicine. I also would like to know the effectiveness of Dr. Lam in reducing the ADHD symptoms. thanks!
回覆刪除I also would like to have details about Dr. Lam as my son is ADHD and have emotion problem. He wanted me to kill him yesterday so that he and I will not suffer any more. I just get the Concerta from doctor today. I would like to see if some other way can help other than taking Concerta. Please help.
回覆刪除My email account is ahchu2011@gmail.com
My son also have same problem , i want to change school for him
回覆刪除Can u e mail about the 中醫及自然食療及國際學校的資料!_謝
i also want to have有關中醫及自然食療資料and 國際學校的名,謝謝!